On the road with Sophie Matterson
When I got the call from Australian Geographic to track down Sophie Matterson and...
This was my second time as Official Photographer so it was great meeting new people again and reconnecting with old friends.
Spirit Festival was a full week of great activities, comedy, music, dancing & workshops to get involved with.
Over 6 days I shot 1000 frames all selectively lit without assistance delivering 500 images to the agency. A lot of the duplicate images were plates for the removal of light stands, maximum detail mapping and to capture images that could never truly be represented by any wide angle lens.
Technically speaking the project was quite in depth moving from venue to venue each with it’s own dimension, trouble areas and access limitations. To combat this I prelit each venue with a simple killzone technique to avoid carrying light stands and lighting equipment around the 2km square festival area.
Indoor killzones relied on the Nikon CLS while outside the power of the profoto acute b2 AirS system overpowered the sun and produced high contrasting dramatic frames.